One of the problems that many people with sensitive skin encounter is facial redness. You can hide it with concealer or foundation, but it is possible to reduce the redness itself by reconfiguring your daily skincare routine. Here we explain the cause of facial redness and how to get rid of it.
Why does facial redness occur?
In many cases, skin becomes red due to an increase in the volume of blood flow in the skin. Our bodies are equipped with an immune system that expels foreign substances like bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. To quickly heal inflammation caused by the immune system, capillaries expand, the volume of blood flowing to the skin increases, and redness of the skin occurs.
Repeated skin trouble makes it easy for redness to occur
Usually, as inflammation heals, the capillaries contract and the redness disappears. However, for people with sensitive skin, as a result of repeated inflammation and other skin trouble, the capillaries don't contract, the volume of blood flow remains high, and it becomes easy for redness to occur.

The cause of skin trouble is the weakening of the skin's barrier function
The reason people with sensitive skin are likely to suffer from repeated skin trouble is that their skin's barrier function is low. The barrier function is the skin's natural physiology, which maintains moisture and prevents external stimulation from entering the body. To care for redness of the face, you need to boost the skin's barrier function and nurture healthy skin that is not prone to problems.
Skin with a low barrier function
The functions that protect the skin from external stimulation weaken, increasing the likelihood of repeated skin troubles.
Skin with a high barrier function
The barrier function and moisture retention function help to maintain healthy skin.
How to help end facial redness
Here we explain some easy things you can do at home to end facial redness by boosting the skin's barrier function.
1) Choose cosmetics with low-stimulation formulas
Skin with a weakened barrier function is sensitive to stimulation. So be sure to use cosmetics with low-stimulation formulas.
2) Facial cleansing
The key point of washing your face is to gently remove impurities. Scrubbing your face when you wash it will damage the skin and weaken the barrier function, so be careful to avoid it. Instead, gently wash it without directly rubbing the skin.
3) Moisture
Since skin tends to become dry after being washed, moisturize your face as soon as you can after washing. We also recommend that you use a product that contains moisturizing ingredients, such as ceramides. In order not to rub the skin, it is important to gently blend the product in by pressing it to your face with your hands.
4) Homemade cucumber pack
The liquid that makes up more than 90% of a cucumber can thoroughly moisturize the surface of the skin. At the same time, it can help maintain healthy barrier function.
5) Protecting against UV rays
Ultraviolet rays are another cause of weakened skin barrier function. As UV rays shine down on us all year round, be sure to protect against them regardless of the season. In addition to sunscreen, use a hat and other accessories to stop UV rays.

Ceramide - the key to the skin's barrier function
Do you know what the most important task is for boosting the skin's barrier function? It is to increase ceramides, which keep moisture in the skin by filling gaps in the stratum corneum to create a wall of moisture. Ceramides make up 50% of the intercellular lipids that fill the gaps between the skin's stratum corneum cells. Ceramides contain a moisture retention function, supporting the barrier function that protects against external stimulation. However, we know that ceramide levels decrease year by year, which means it is important to replenish them with external ceramides.

Natural human skin-identical ceramides are perfect for our skin
Currently, three types of ceramides are used in food and cosmetics. The natural human skin-identical ceramides that are contained in our products are made using a technology found nowhere else in the world. These products will replenish the ceramides in your skin and can dramatically reverse their decline.
Natural human skin-identical ceramides - The world's first. Extremely long-chain ceramides (C18-C26).
Ceramides that exist in human stratum corneum. High purity and proven to overwhelmingly improve barrier function.
Synthetic ceramides - Short-chain ceramide C18 1 type
Ceramides made using chemical synthesis. While they have a moisturizing function, their purity is low and they do not permeate the skin well.
Natural plant ceramides - Ceramides that do not exist in the stratum corneum
Ceramides derived from plants. As this ingredient does not exist in the human stratum corneum, no considerable effect can be expected.
Highly effective in helping to strengthen the skin barrier
Many cosmetics contain low-priced natural ceramide or synthetic ceramide, but natural human skin-identical ceramide is said to have 15 times the moisturizing power of natural plant ceramide and three times that of synthetic ceramide.